Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sra. Agosti
Spanish II
Homework due Wednesday, April 2

Conjugate the following verbs in the Present, the Preterite, the Imperfect, the Present Perfect and the Future
Work must be hand written neatly in loose leaf.
Write one sentence with with each verb in the Imperfect. Use one expressions of time in each sentence.

llamar - decir - subir - poder  - ver

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sra. Agosti
Spanish II
Homework due Friday, March 28

Conjugate the following verbs in the Present, the Preterite, the Imperfect, the Present Perfect and the Future
Work must be hand written neatly in loose leaf.
Write one sentence with with each verb in the Future. Use one expressions of time in each sentence.

abrir - prender - ir  - abandonar - hacer  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sra. Agosti
Spanish II
Homework due Monday, March 24

Conjugate the following verbs in the Present, the Preterite, the Imperfect and the Present Perfect.
Work must be hand written neatly in loose leaf.
Write one sentence with with each verb in the Preterit. Use  one expressions of time in each sentence.

tener - pedir - sacar - poner - recibir

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sra. Agosti
Spanish II
Homework due Monday, March 17

Conjugate the following verbs in the Present, the Preterite, the Imperfect and the Present Perfect.
Work must be hand written neatly in loose leaf.
Write one sentence with with each verb in the Preterit. Use  one expressions of time in each sentence.

cargar - leer - ser - freír - andar

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sra. Agosti
Spanish II
Homework for 3/11/14

Conjugate de following verbs in the Present, Imperfect, Preterit and Present Perfect.
Choose 5 of these verbs and write 5 sentences in the Present Perfect.

Work may be typed in a Word Document, printed and ready to submit tomorrow, or it may be hand written (skip a line) in loose leaf paper.

dormir - volver - despertarse - servir - oir - saber - estar - dejar