Friday, October 21, 2011

¡Los vascos se mueven hacia la paz!

    Basque militant group, ETA, called an end to their 43-year armed campaign for independence (from France and Spain) on October 20, 2011.  They have expressed desire to open talks and seek sovereignty through diplomatic measures.  These talks could pave the way to end Europe's last armed militancy.  The ETA had already declared a cease-fire but had not fully renounced armed resistance as a tool in their struggle for autonomy. 
    The Spanish government has seriously weakened the Basque Separatist movement through a string of arrests, especially the arrests of five high-ranking leaders.  In light of all the action taken by the Spanish government, reports now suggest that the ETA is only 50 members strong.

Taken from:
"Basques Move Toward Peace." Newsday 21 Oct 2011. Nassau ed. A53. Print.